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Air Pollution in South Holland

Latest Pollution Summary

Air pollution levels across South Holland are LOW
Air Pollution in South Holland is currently LOW (Index 1)
This pollution summary was last updated at 20:00 on 21/10/2024
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Spalding Monkshouse School

Monitoring site details

Site Name: Spalding Monkshouse School  
Site Type: Urban
Easting and Northing: 523173,322455
Latitude and Longitude: 52.785625,-0.175053
Altitude: 3 m  
Start and end date: Operation started on 12/05/2003
Site Comments: The Spalding Monkshouse Primary School, Pennygate, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 1LG 

Monitoring site measures:

Parameter Date Started Date Ended
Nitric Oxide   23/01/1992  
Nitrogen dioxide   23/01/1992  
Oxides of Nitrogen   16/05/1996  
PM10 Particulate matter   12/05/2003  

Active Monitoring Stations

The active monitoring sites in the South Holland area are listed below. Click on a site name to view more information.
Spalding Monkshouse School
Westmere school

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